How To Get A Credit Card Without CIBIL Score
Credit cards become extremely attractive due to the perks they deliver, which include a no-interest period for a small amount of time, reward points, deals, and special deals at both physical and electronic retailers. However, due to a poor or non-existent CIBIL score, only a small number of applicants are approved for credit cards. Because of a poor or non-existent CIBIL score , it could be challenging to obtain a credit card. It isn't unattainable, though. Below are the best methods for obtaining a credit card for people who have a non-existent CIBIL score. Go for a secured credit card: A secured credit card is an option for individuals who wish to request a credit card but do not yet have a credit history or score. Secured credit cards are designed specifically for persons experiencing the mentioned problems. These credit cards are typically issued in exchange for a fixed deposit, and users of secured credit cards have credit limits that can reach 80–90% of the value of...